Arvorest is a social enterprise involved in reforesting of former agricultural land.
We plant trees to restore biodiversity, to reduce CO2 and
to combat desertification.


Arvorest buys abandoned farmland in Portugal for reforestation. We live off the proceeds from carbon offsets and from our olive oil. Arvorest offsets the CO2 produced by companies and individuals.


To restore biodiversity and fight desertification,
three billion trees must be planted in Europe by 2030.
We have only begun!





Southern Europe suffers drought due to climate change. Bush fires plague nature. Young people have left their parents' and grandparents' land and migrated to urban areas.To restore biodiversity and fight desertification, three billion trees must be planted in Europe by 2030. We have only begun.Arvorest is buying abandoned farmland in Portugal for reforesting. By planting trees, we remove CO2 from the atmosphere against global warming. To finance our work, we sell our CO2 certificates to companies, which this allows them to offset the CO2 produced.Trees Against Drought & CO2.

Arvorest records all planted trees. Of the first batch, two-thirds survived the two dry summers. For the trees that did not survive (667 of them), we planted new trees in February 2024, especially holm oaks and cork oaks, because they do very well on our land.


In the Coa Valley, Arvorest plants sustainable, native trees in accordance with ICNF regulations and laid down in a RJAAR document and in our Forest Management Plan. There, we take inspiration from German forester and author Peter Wohllebel. Below is Rodrigo's list of the trees selected by Arvorest.


The Coa Valley

The Côa Valley is a region located in the northeast of Portugal, known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural and historical heritage. It is located in the district of Guarda, in the Beira Alta region of Portugal, and is known for its verdant landscapes, rolling hills, and beautiful valleys. The Côa Valley is home to a number of small towns and villages, as well as several important natural and cultural sites, such as the Côa Valley Archaeological Park, the Côa Museum, and the Côa Valley Natural Park.The Côa Valley boasts fertile soils and a unique microclimate, making it a good location for olive cultivation. The olives grown in the Côa Valley benefit from the area's rich history . The resulting extra virgin olive oil is prized for its unique, intense flavor and superior quality, which is attributed to the fertile land and the long-standing traditions of olive cultivation in the region.

Rock engravings of aurochs in the Côa valley archaeological reserve.

The Coa Valley is home to some of the oldest known examples of prehistoric rock art in the world. The Coa Valley Archaeological Park contains a collection of around 5,000 engravings and paintings that date back to the Upper Paleolithic period, around 15,000 years ago. These remarkable artworks provide a unique glimpse into the lives of the earliest humans in the region, and offer valuable insights into their beliefs, customs, and ways of life. The importance of these ancient treasures has been recognized by UNESCO, which declared the Coa Valley a World Heritage Site in 1998.




Arvorest Unipessoal Lda. - Rua de Arrabalde - 6400-191 Cidadelhe (Pinhel) Portugal
NIF PT516812530 - Phone +351 912 212 670 - Email info@arvorest.eu


Arvorest is an initiative of Dutch social entrepreneur and war veteran Frank van der Vorm. Since childhood, he has had a great passion for nature, but also great concerns about the future. Southern Europe suffers from severe drought due to climate change. Hugh bush fires plague fragile nature.In 2020, Frank visited his studying son Rodrigo in Portugal's Coa Valley and decided to make his dream come true here: planting trees to restore biodiversity, reduce CO2 and combat desertification. Meanwhile, Arvorest manages hundreds of hectares of nature reserve between the Coa and Massueime rivers, near the ancient town of Cidadelhe.In a short time, Arvorest planted thousands of sustainable trees and with success. With a lot of attention and especially a lot of water, 90% of the planted oaks survived the severe drought in the summer of 2022. Trees and crops take CO2 from the air and so Arvorest fights global warming.Arvorest is developing a revenue model for reforestation. After all, if local farmers can earn a good living by planting trees, the CO2 problem is solved, and the world is saved!We are Arvorest, we are Carbon Foresters!
